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  • Focus on the program and what goes on inside the walls of our buildings.

  • Enter markets early to create confidence. ​


  • Utilize private capital as a way to catalyze and coordinate additional public and philanthropic resources.

  • Employ multi-layered development financing structures where traditional financing does not exist.


  • Private capital should be catalytic, but must be controlled and structured in a way to ensure long-term viability of a place.

  • Cities are made up of people, not buildings. Real estate should be used as a means to attract and retain talent.

  • Shrinking the supply chain and supporting the small business ecosystem is key for any community to thrive.

  • Cities must invest in globally differentiated assets and align such investment with new industries, markets, and trends to remain relevant.


  • All developments should honor the history of why a place exists and incorporate that history in some aspect.

  • Communities and neighborhoods need private, public, and philanthropic stakeholders to invest around a common, “ethos” of a place.

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